Does your small business, brand, or website have a logo? More importantly, does your logo represent your brand the way you intended it to? Your company logo is the anchor of your brand and is something many small businesses tend to overlook. Don't believe me? Drive past any strip mall in America. How many signs just say mattress or nail salon? Sure when you get close on the door you see the name of the business but many times you are never presented with a logo. After visiting the proprietor you may find a little clip art image on their business card if you are lucky. Same with a web based business. Is the name of the website presented in basic font? This scenario is all too common.
The old maxim, "you only have one chance to make a first impression" is very true. As a business owner it's critical to create a strong and lasting first impression. Every piece of your business needs to be examined through the customers eyes. This holds true for a physical business as well as your small business website. Although an acute attention to detail can get you started there is not a better way to connect with your customer than through a well crafted logo. Your brand welcomes your customers and prepares them for what to expect. More or less, your logo is the face of your company.
How does your face look? Does your logo truly represent your brand? Chances are it doesn't. Many small business owners believe a logo is not in the budget. That may be true if you want to contract the Arnell Group, they designed Pepsi's new logo and made a cool million on the deal. If a million is not in your advertising budget you should not get a logo, stay with the clip art, and have the text on your website simply read store. No! You do have options for affordable logo designs. Creative Click Solutions has logo packages that start at just $35 and if you are a big spender you can get a 5 logo mock up for only $100. Now what is your excuse? With graphic designer fees typically at $100 an hour or more, how can CCS offer you such a low price? Well we don't want to give our business model away, but think globally and your money can stretch a lot further.
We'd love to talk about your brand and help you get a whole new logo or tweak what you have now. Contact us now for more details or visit our affordable logo design page.
We'd love to talk about your brand and help you get a whole new logo or tweak what you have now. Contact us now for more details or visit our affordable logo design page.