Blogging is a great way to stay connected with your customers as well as a fun interactive way to drive
business to your website. Blogging is also a very valuable tool for improving SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings. Most bloggers that operate a business do not have a well thought out strategy or goal to approaching their article development. Creative Click Solutions currently oversees content development on several well executed blogs in a variety of industries. We also offer a built-in blog package included in our website development or can help create stand alone blog sites on a variety of platforms.
With free blog integration in your custom built website from our Destin based company we thought we’d
provide 5 tips for blogging on your own. These suggestions will help beginner bloggers get started and provide a valuable review for experienced bloggers. Feel free to review our 5 tips for blogging and contact us if you want to get a blog of your own or would like one of our experienced bloggers to act as a ghostwriter and help drive more traffic to your company, brand, or products.
1. Blog Regularly & Often
Blogging is a lot like jogging, the more you do it the greater effects and benefits you will receive. Search engines (and your customers) love fresh content, if you provide what they are looking for more often than not at a regular pace then they will index your site more, eventually resulting in search engine placement improvements.
2. Blog About What Matters
There are commons misconceptions with blogs and one of the most common is that you just have to write about something on a regular basis. Sure writing about anything often will have some SEO residual effects but creating relevant and compelling content will super-charge your search benefits. Think about what makes your product or service unique, and then create original articles that you imagine they’d want to read. It sounds so simple, but there really isn’t a better tip than blogging about relevant topics. Also it’s a
good idea to try and finish with a call to action. If they get to the end they are more likely to convert than a typical site visitor.
3. Be Conscious of your Writing
Not everyone who runs a blog is an English major; in fact I would say most bloggers are not experts in grammar, vocabulary, or punctuation. That is OK, but spend time proof reading your articles, either by rereading them yourself or having a friend or family member look over your posts. Be sure to avoid excessive punctuation and slang and use capitalization only when needed. With a blog there is no need to complicate things, write in direct simple English and try to incorporate the key terms that your customers will be searching for. There is no need to keyword stuff articles, but do make sure you are at least including what you are hoping to show up for at least a few times.
4. Get Social & Share your Articles
Creative Click Solutions automatically includes social share icons on all our custom blogs making it extra easy for you and your readers to share your content, but that is just the start. You want to get your information and business in front of as many different people as you can. If you head to Facebook or Twitter and just start telling people that they should check out your business, they will get bored and eventually stop paying attention to you and even worse defriending or unfollowing you. Blog articles give you a chance to provide something to potential customers for free. If you give someone a gift, they are less likely to disengage. They will also enjoy relative content. Google and other major search engines have been placing serious weight on social shares so the more play your articles get the better results you will receive.
5. Be Passionate about your Product
Blogs provide a window into your businesses and can help convert potential sales. It also gives you a chance to establish yourself as an authority in your industry. If you are just going through the motions it’ll show and your content may go unnoticed. If you are blogging solely for SEO advantages than that may be OK, but if you are going to dedicate the time to creating content be sure it’s something you are proud of. If you connect with your customers on an emotional level they are more likely to purchase, and more likely to return and visit your business or use your service or product often.
We hope these 5 blogging tips will get you started in the right direction. Keep in mind if you get overwhelmed or need assistance at any time our professional bloggers are here to help with a variety of paid service options. Feel free to contact us now for pricing and service options!
provide 5 tips for blogging on your own. These suggestions will help beginner bloggers get started and provide a valuable review for experienced bloggers. Feel free to review our 5 tips for blogging and contact us if you want to get a blog of your own or would like one of our experienced bloggers to act as a ghostwriter and help drive more traffic to your company, brand, or products.
1. Blog Regularly & Often
Blogging is a lot like jogging, the more you do it the greater effects and benefits you will receive. Search engines (and your customers) love fresh content, if you provide what they are looking for more often than not at a regular pace then they will index your site more, eventually resulting in search engine placement improvements.
2. Blog About What Matters
There are commons misconceptions with blogs and one of the most common is that you just have to write about something on a regular basis. Sure writing about anything often will have some SEO residual effects but creating relevant and compelling content will super-charge your search benefits. Think about what makes your product or service unique, and then create original articles that you imagine they’d want to read. It sounds so simple, but there really isn’t a better tip than blogging about relevant topics. Also it’s a
good idea to try and finish with a call to action. If they get to the end they are more likely to convert than a typical site visitor.
3. Be Conscious of your Writing
Not everyone who runs a blog is an English major; in fact I would say most bloggers are not experts in grammar, vocabulary, or punctuation. That is OK, but spend time proof reading your articles, either by rereading them yourself or having a friend or family member look over your posts. Be sure to avoid excessive punctuation and slang and use capitalization only when needed. With a blog there is no need to complicate things, write in direct simple English and try to incorporate the key terms that your customers will be searching for. There is no need to keyword stuff articles, but do make sure you are at least including what you are hoping to show up for at least a few times.
4. Get Social & Share your Articles
Creative Click Solutions automatically includes social share icons on all our custom blogs making it extra easy for you and your readers to share your content, but that is just the start. You want to get your information and business in front of as many different people as you can. If you head to Facebook or Twitter and just start telling people that they should check out your business, they will get bored and eventually stop paying attention to you and even worse defriending or unfollowing you. Blog articles give you a chance to provide something to potential customers for free. If you give someone a gift, they are less likely to disengage. They will also enjoy relative content. Google and other major search engines have been placing serious weight on social shares so the more play your articles get the better results you will receive.
5. Be Passionate about your Product
Blogs provide a window into your businesses and can help convert potential sales. It also gives you a chance to establish yourself as an authority in your industry. If you are just going through the motions it’ll show and your content may go unnoticed. If you are blogging solely for SEO advantages than that may be OK, but if you are going to dedicate the time to creating content be sure it’s something you are proud of. If you connect with your customers on an emotional level they are more likely to purchase, and more likely to return and visit your business or use your service or product often.
We hope these 5 blogging tips will get you started in the right direction. Keep in mind if you get overwhelmed or need assistance at any time our professional bloggers are here to help with a variety of paid service options. Feel free to contact us now for pricing and service options!