So why does your business not have a Facebook page?
A majority of small businesses (and some big businesses) are completely missing a free opportunity to engage and reach their customers online. Did you catch that? Yes we said a free way to reach your customers online! Facebook does not charge you a dime to set up your business page and chances are if you created your own profile you’ll be able to get your business page up in minutes. In addition to the direct benifit with your customers the SEO value with Google and other search engines are an added bonus!
My customers are not on Facebook
This is something we hear often at Creative Click Solutions. Many small business owners, even if they have a personal profile, still think their customers are not utilizing social networking. Guess what? These business owners are completely wrong. Currently 65% of Facebook users are 25 and older. Still too young for your target demographic? Over 40% of Facebook users are 35 and older. Maybe your business is targeted towards baby boomers. Seniors are the fastest growing demographic in Facebookland!
It’s too difficult to run my Facebook business page
Again something that we hear from small business owners that is completely wrong. Making updates to your Facebook business page is just as easy as updating your own profile. You can even do it from your mobile phone. Not sure what to post? We will visit that in future articles here on our Internet Marketing blog. Until then follow some of your favorite brands for inspiration. Maybe even the companies we just mentioned.
I don’t have time to manage my Facebook business page
Did you miss the paragraph above? Managing your own Facebook business page is quick and easy. That being said, as a full service internet marketing firm our company can take care of the whole process for a very low cost. We just told you it was easy, so how can we charge a bunch? For those needing help or just to want to deal with contact us now. For those wanting to do it on their own, stay tuned for future blog articles that will help you take your online marketing to the next level.